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CerebralAudio : No Cure For Music

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Playtime: 54:34 - 320kb/s - 102.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2017/10/17 05:26h



ambientelectronicclassicalmodernsymphonicchamberorchestra Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Daniel Robert Lahey wields the tools of a trained classical musician in pursuit of ambient music with direct and fresh (but never simple) melodic charms. Each of his pieces bears a symphonic influence, but each piece aims to provide the listener a listening experience of intriguing sound-on-sound. Rather than the sunny sleepwalk of new-age-style waves of saccharine melody, Lahey weaves complex themes throughout each composition.

This is not music for everyone—but it is music for anyone. In “No Cure”, Daniel Robert Lahey takes the listener in for a digital scan, and the diagnosis is positive for sound. This is sound to take the indolence of an idle hour and turn it into the therapy of intriguing sonic exploration.

Daniel has been involved in making music since he was first able to reach the keys on a piano. He started playing guitar at the age of 10, but only got serious about it when he thought it was a good way to pick up girls at the age of 15. In all he studied classical guitar for 12 years.

After the guitar, Daniel became interested in Synthesizers. He's been playing keyboards for over 50 years. His natural love of classical music has lead him to combine his passion for Synthesizers with writing his own works. He has written over 500 pieces of classical music.

Stream and Download No Cure For Music

Streaming and downloads of Daniel Robert Lahey's No Cure For Muse are available through the following locations:

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