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You run a Label?

You run Your own Label and want it to appear on
All You have to do is:

  1. 1. Create an User account,
  2. 2. then choose 'Create Label',
  3. 3. and finally add Your releases

And why should You do so? Read here!

SquirrelRubel - the innovative micro-payment way

SquirrelRubel is a system that allows you to easily make donations to your favorite Labels and Artists.

First You have to bring some Rubels into Your account. This can either be done automatically via Pay-Pal, or - if You prefer other ways of payment - via Bank-Transfer, Check or simply sending Money in an envelope... You can get some [more] Rubel here.

Once Your Account is equipped with some Rubels You have THREE POSSIBILITIES TO MAKE DonationS:

1 Direct donation while browsing

On a Label- Release- or Artist page just click the Rubel-Button and choose the amount you would like to transfer. The selected amount of Rubels will be immediately given to the corresponding Artists/Labels.

2 Automatic Donation

In Your Rubel-Settings you can set a predefined amount that you would like to transfer for several type of actions. this could be, for example:

1 Rubel for listening to a Track on the website
10 Rubel for listening to a whole Release on the website
15 Rubel for downloading a Track as mp3
50 Rubel for downloading a whole Release

* 100 SquirrelRubels are equivalent to 1 Euro
From now on every time you perform one of these actions the given amount will immediately be transfered to the corresponding people.
Setup automatic donation

3 Delayed/Favorite Donation

This lets You choose an amount of ScuirrelRubels which will be evenly distributed between all Items You marked with Love, corresponding to the numbers of hearts you gave them.