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CerebralAudio : Just More

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Playtime: 56:07 - 320kb/s - 105.22 MB
Date released
Date published
2017/10/03 03:40h



ambientelectronicclassicalmodernsymphonicchamberorchestra Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

"Just More" by Daniel Robert Lahey is an atmospheric, uncompromising yet accessible playing field. Daniel isn't prone to dabbling in atonality, or massive scale compositions which leave the listener bewildered. Instead he provides five mid-sized pieces that satisfy and entertain classical music stalwarts and the curious alike.

Daniel as able to provides moods from melancholy to joyous, while exercising a range of composition from classical to 20th Century. He also finds the humor in classical music through the titles of his works (such as "Just a Bunch of Singers and Stuff" and "Just Next to a Large, Strange Object").

Daniel has been involved in making music since he was first able to reach the keys on a piano. He started playing guitar at the age of 10, but only got serious about it when he thought it was a good way to pick up girls at the age of 15. In all he studied classical guitar for 12 years.

After the guitar, Daniel became interested in Synthesizers. He's been playing keyboards for over 50 years. His natural love of classical music has lead him to combine his passion for Synthesizers with writing his own works. He has written over 500 pieces of classical music.

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