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CerebralAudio : After Un-Rethining Things Again

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Catalog number
Playtime: 43:08 - 320kb/s - 80.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2017/09/12 05:18h



ambientelectronicclassicalmodernsymphonicchamberorchestra Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Daniel Robert Lahey's latest takes the listener into his inner thoughts, and reflection on the creative process.

Daniel Robert Lahey is not an impulsive composer. He takes a lot of time working throuhg his pieces, developing them a little bit at a time. This kind of process is prone to rigorous mental processes by which he works on an idea only to realize it didn't lead where to a good conclusion. So, it becomes a game of re-thinking his ideas through multiple times.

On After Un-Rethinking Things Again Daniel documents several works that developed over a longer period of time. Pieces that were more difficult in composition, but more rewarding in their results.

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