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CerebralAudio : Iterations

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:08:32 - 320kb/s - 128.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2016/11/11 03:11h



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Release Notes

Daniel Robert Lahey makes his third appearance on CerebralAudio with
Iterations. The idea behind much of this work is based on the repetition
of phrases while subtly changing them over time. It's the basis of what
became known as minimalism in the hands of composers like Steve Reich
and Philip Glass.

But, with the iterative nature of these works is apparent, Daniel
couldn't leave could just write a set of derivative works that mimicked
contemporary composers. Instead he reaches back into the world of
serialism for a couple of these compositions. The density and
complexity of these works belies their roots in the concept of

It's the sharp contrast between modern composition styles that makes
this work interesting. Daniel has found a way to move between what many
would consider to be ambient music and the most challenging classical
music without finding any lines. He is an explorer of all ages of

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