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Underpolen : Ich Liebe Sarah EP

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Playtime: 11:46 - 320kb/s - 22.06 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/03/11 12:51h



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Release Notes

"Sarah Connor is a pop-starlet from Germany, singing in english. She got famous by releasing three identical ballads in a short period of time. I imagined an obsessed fan who keeps her songs in cages, breeds them until they mutate into horrible creatures, wailing, unable to die. For some time you can hear three ballads layered upon each other, so you can hear for yourself how similar they sound. After that they dissolve into rather interesting noise." SOT 45 in 2003

Songs by Sarah Connor are mangled, sped up, slowed down and enjoyably disfigured in this EP by SOT 45.

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