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Underpolen : Dvaelkvaela

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Playtime: 30:20 - 320kb/s - 56.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/03/12 11:42h



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Release Notes

On February 2nd 2012,on the day of Candlemas, Secrets Of The 45 publish an album inspired by this holiday - a mixture of folklore and catholic symbolism. The whimsical title is a few words from various languages connected to the symbolism of the holiday, interweaving and combined. All the melodies on the record were created out of one church song. Imagining starless winter nights, empty fields covered in February ice, flickering candles in the windows of cottages, which were supposed to keep lightnings and wolvesaway from households, SOT 45 presents a set of minimalistic drones, transformed distant echoes of singing and organs, tumbling through the freezing landscape.

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