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Underpolen : Baten Forliser

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Playtime: 38:00 - 320kb/s - 71.25 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/03/12 10:07h



experimentalambientplunderphonicssoundscaperecycled Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The 8th album by SOT 45 starts with an innocent melody, but quickly descends into murky, bellowing passages, with eerie beauty and groaning creepiness interchanging. All sounds used for creation of the album were taken from "Peer Gynt" suite by Edvard Grieg. Also the concept and the titles are inspired by Henrik Ibsen's dramatic interpretation of the myth. The music is sometimes harsh but mostly shows at least partially the classic gems that were used for the creation. Single tunes are hard to identify - but you can feel the beauty hidden beneath the distorted passages and dark drones.

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