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Underpolen : Arkane Cuckoldry

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Playtime: 37:20 - 264kb/s - 64.98 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/03/11 12:55h



experimentalambientdark ambientmusique concreteconcrètetape Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

"Toybodim vyolets" combines drone murmurs, disembodied groaning and gurgling whistles, meandering in colourless underworld . "Lucid & evitable" emanates strange and lonely space, with slowed-down guitar plucking and a melancholic beast whining next to the microphone in a silent contemplation. "One o clock" appears and dissolves in a trickle of effects, and "Pruritus" - combined of a year's worth of sounds recorded onto a 60min tape and overlayed to fit within 15 minutes, breaks the ambient atmosphere with a mess of guitars, old keyboard tracks, feedback and concrete sounds.

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