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Compiling a Network : Compiling a Network v5.0

Playtime: 55:48 - 320kb/s - 104.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/18 19:37h



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Release Notes

Promomix: "Compiling a Network - v5.0" V/A - datamixed by dee3 Tracklist: Veste: Monochord | (Unreleased) The Parallel: Distant Memory | (Unreleased) Noise Control: Steel (Corrugated Tunnel Remix) | (Ltd. white label) Mick Chillage: Looking for Light | (Unreleased) Ben Businovski: Permanence | Code 316 Recordings Laura Palmer: Missed | Thinner Carl Taylor: Jyagyn | (Unreleased) Unique 3: The Theme (dee3's mix) | (Unreleased) The Reminder: Lite On | Etiku World Records Bjørn Svin & Christian Bloch: Københavner | Funque Droppings/Memento Skyscraeper: Track 1 | Filtered Visions Julian Eustace: Loose | Electronic Reform/Static Recordings Julian Eustace: Underground | Electronic Reform Mick Chillage: Interstate | (Unreleased) Dimitri Pike: Untitled 1 | Wildtek Virtual - Promo System Exclusive: Introbitch (Extended) | (Unreleased)

The individual tracks used are fully copyrighted and held by the respective artists and labels; furthermore, all tracks are used with the involved artists' and/or labels' knowledge and permission.

The Compiling a Network app (Android) can be downloaded from here:

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