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Compiling a Network : CaN vs. rohformat (Pt. 2)

Playtime: 01:14:19 - 320kb/s - 139.34 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/22 15:06h



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Release Notes

From the "dee3 |datamixes"-series; tracklist:

Jerzz: Telephone Rapist / [ _rf040d]
R. v. Aggelen: First Reflex / [ _034a]
Karl Lihagen: b1 / [ _rf032]
Karl Lihagen: b2 / [ _rf032]
R. v. Aggelen: Second Reflex / [ _034d]
Ronin: Ferox / [ _rf043-03]
B. Rosu vs. R. Pries: Adancimi Dinamice pt. III / [ _rf021-03]
R. v. Aggelen: Specific Sounds pt. II / [ _rf028-02]
B. Rosu: Facelift Part III / [ _rf013-03]
B. Rosu feat. M. Foundler: Armed Sequences (R. Pries reloaded rmx) / [ _rf008-03]
R. v. Aggelen: Format me No 1 / [ _rf010-01]
Ronny Pries: Nockenwelle / [ _rf012-01]
B. Rosu vs R. Pries: Adancimi Dinamice pt. II / [ _rf021-02]
_rohformat pres. Rik Adriaans: The Vault (Remix) / [ _rf018-02]
B. Rosu: Facelift Part I / [ _rf013-01]
Ronny Pries: Blechroehre 2 / [ _rf005-02]
R. v. Aggelen vs. Ronny Pries: Nullstellung / [ _rf019-01]



For more info regarding _rohformat, visit the label's website at: again, tons of shout-outs, respect and eternal thanks goes to _rohformat(and Ronny Pries in particular) for all of the help and the support…!!! 

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