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Compiling a Network : Compiling a Network v2.0

Playtime: 57:34 - 320kb/s - 107.85 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/18 19:08h



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Release Notes

Promomix: "Compiling a Network - v2.0" V/A - datamixed by dee3 Tracklist: Dimitri Pike: MIR Space Complex | Wildtek Virtual Mick Chillage: Nosis | (Unreleased) Marko Fürstenberg: T-Shape | Thinner Entec: Micro | (Unreleased) Monowai: Lizard (Demo) | (t.b.c.) Kube 72: Blue Nights (Remix) | Tekknik Experimental Carl Taylor: Twister (Echodek RMX) | (Unreleased) LaptopAcidXperience: Jaznite | LAX Recordings G. Duprey: The Tempest | Wildub Brian Kage: Eight Ways | Thinner Dirty Boy: Acid A Go Go! | (Unreleased) Brothers on Acid: Older than yo School pt.1 | (Unreleased) Stanislav Tolkachev: Open Cage | Funque Droppings/Memento Dimitri Pike: My Life in the City r | Wildtek Virtual Mezerik: Loop 1 | (Unreleased)

The individual tracks used are fully copyrighted and held by the respective artists and labels; furthermore, all tracks are used with the involved artists' and/or labels' knowledge and permission.

The Compiling a Network app (Android) can be downloaded from here:

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