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Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show : Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show 010

Catalog number
Playtime: 02:07 - 128kb/s - 90.09 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/09/26 11:40h



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Release Notes

Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show

Broadcast live on every Wednesday 8-10pm UK time
Podcast available from

Tracklist / download links for show 10 - 8th August 2012:

01. Texel - Kotti from Liike released by BFW recordings

02. Efficient Refineries - Atafu from Crustacean Welt released by Nostress

03. Insomus - My Goal
04. Insomus - Trippy Dreams from My Goal released by MixGalaxy

05. Bengalfuel - She's Such A Darling
06. Bengalfuel - Gus from Neely released by Resting Bell

07. Yrrow - My Dear from Endless released by nenormalizm

08. Subterrestrial - Helium
09. Subterrestrial - Xenon from Noble released by Subterrestrial

10. Monoiz - Multi ENFX
11. Monoiz - Multi Scape from Multiplied Phoneme released by Crazy Language

12. Closer Contact - NeverNever
13. Closer Contact - You vs. Colours from Unfelt Massive released by BFW recordings

14. Meteer - Rage Of Semimasters
15. Meteer - Phenomenographic Aluminium Scan from Three Word Seminary released by BFW recordings

16. Echoculture - Forest
17. Echoculture - Lassitude from Diaphanous released by Picpack

18. SineRider - Sine Cone
19. SineRider - Bowed from Spinning Circles released by BFW recordings

20. Bing Satellites - Armadillos in the sky from The continuing adventures of Peter Jelp released by BFW recordings

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