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Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show : Mostly Ambient show 008 - 25th October 2011

Catalog number
Playtime: 02:05 - 128kb/s - 90.06 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/01/17 15:30h



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Release Notes

Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show
2 hours of the best ambient electronic and experimental music from around the world
plus live sets from Bing Satellites and others.
Broadcast live every Wednesday 8-10pm UK time on

Tracklist links for show 8 - 25th October 2011:

01. Parametric - Acme
from VA - Mental Contact released by Foundamental Network

02. Medkit - Morbus
from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder released by Echomania

03. World Government - Rain, Drops
from VA - Mental Contact released by Foundamental Network

04. Tuonela - Subatomic Seascape
from Angels of chrome and light released by Treetrunk records

05. Aarria - Windmachine
from The Dreaming released by Rain netlabel

06. I/DEX - tetrapolar 03
from tetrapolar released by Foundamental Network

07. Yellow Blue Bus - Thirdly (intro)
from Thirdly EP released by Electrosound Moscow

08. Gregg Plummer and Andre Wening - Ablaclohestia
from Imagining

09. Musica Universalis - Lux et Tenebrae (MU I.I)
from Lux et Tenebrae (MU I.I)

10. John Praw - Ben Willis II: Bens I
from Ben Willis released by Mine All Mine

11. Ethidium Imply - Our last chance
from Malibu Dreams LP released by 3loop

12. Bioherz - untitled
from Apathy released by picpack

13. monta - disappointment (ezekiel honig's mix)
from Disappointment released by unfoundsound

14. Stendek - houp
from Qunabu EP

15. the lovely moon - sea breeze
from figures on the beach

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