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Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show : Mostly Ambient show 009 - 1st November 2011

Catalog number
Playtime: 02:06:57 - 128kb/s - 95.21 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/01/17 15:41h



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Release Notes

Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show
2 hours of the best ambient electronic and experimental music from around the world
plus live sets from Bing Satellites and others.
Broadcast live every Wednesday 8-10pm UK time on

Tracklist / download links for show 9:

01. Michael Meara - Contemplation 1: Void In Form
from Contemplation 1 released by Free Floating Music

02. Shane Morris - Dreambells
from Complex Silence 20 released by Treetrunk

03. ETI - The Rules I Don't Make
from Airline >released by phonocake

04. Earthbreaker - Black Fires Burn Gently
from Forget The Sky released by Skrow!Media

05. Michael Schlachter - To Ascend into the Nightsky
from Tides Of Hope released by Unknown Landscapes

06. Friglob - Mamica su strukle pekli
from Life is inna riddim released by Angel Dust Records

07. Kevin Bryce - The Wind Is Making The Trees Move Again
from 1 + e released by Bump Foot

08. omara - athmospheres 3
from athmospheres released by omaramusic

09. the lovely moon - live ambient set
i. figures on the beach
ii. music for dreams
iii. sunlight through the trees
iv. sea breeze
v. the stars are coming out
Download a high quality version of the live set by The Lovely Moon

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