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Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show : Mostly Ambient show 007 - 18th October 2011

Catalog number
Playtime: 02:01:06 - 128kb/s - 90.82 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/01/17 15:17h



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Release Notes

Bing Satellites Mostly Ambient Radio Show
2 hours of the best ambient electronic and experimental music from around the world
plus live sets from Bing Satellites and others.
Broadcast live every Wednesday 8-10pm UK time on

Tracklist / download links for show 7:
01. Falbygdens Dataorkester - Skruttis Kompis
from Digitala Inspelningar released by Devsound

02. Bitmoth - Heads I Win
from Miss Parka released by Enough Records

03. Mister Vapor - Starry Night (Radio Edit)
from Starry Night released by Buddhist On Fire

04. Asphodela - Nevo
from Nevo released by Senile Dementia

05. Owltree - Sudden Dusk
from Tender Pecking released by Catnap

06. Waterplea - Wakeup-Dream
from Dream Catcher released by MixGalaxy

07. Slowdazzle - Chill Dazzle
from Blue Miles released by StatoElettrico

08. Fatumstand - Song
from Styx released by Senile Dementia

09. Bing Satellites - Darkness and Light
from Areas Of Darkness And Light released by Laverna netlabel

10. Fennel - Fallbrook
from Resuming The Trail released by Pocket Fields

11. ill canibalismø illusions - sleep episodes
from The Structure Of Sleep released by Death Records

12. Graham Marlowe and Michael Neumeyer - There Was A Heat
from Corduroy Resignation released by BFW recordings

13. Love Cult & Bedroom Bear - Un
from Love Cult - Live in Saransk released by PandaFuzz

14. Giorgio Ricci - txc 5.5
from Insanity released by Laverna netlabel

15. A27 - ps.y-ch
from Rec EP released by Recycling Records

16. Soft Note & Sokpb Avabodha - Last Day
from VA - One Different Compilation released by Nu Aura

17. Koalips - Eris
from Where Gravity Sleeps released by Electrosound Moscow

18. FugaSatanae - The Strange High House In The Mist
from Inspiration released by Senile Dementia

19. Spuntic - Emerging Space
from Out Of Step released by Enough Records

20. SineRider - Kalt
from Ambivert released by BFW recordings

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