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Sostanze Records : A Momentary Collapse Of Reason

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Catalog number
Playtime: 28:00 - 320kb/s - 52.51 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/04/17 12:54h



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Release Notes

Sostanze Records is proud to present the third release created thanks to collaborations of various artist coming from different parts of italy and its different musical scenes, where each artist could express his own musical taste. A momentary Collapse of Reason it's composed by electronic sonority alternated to syncopated break rythms, with particular glitch influences.Photo and Artwork : Luca Mascioli Artists : Various ArtistsGenre : Electro / Breaks / GlitchRelease on: 16/04/2010


VIDEO:Available on our websiteLoop Pack 002 - DosojinLoop Pack 002 - BcomponenteLinks:Sostanze Records | MySpace | SoundCloud | YouTube | Facebook

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