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crazy language : Multiplied Phoneme

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Catalog number
Playtime: 30:42 - 320kb/s - 57.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/07/12 01:26h



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Release Notes

Artificial Sounds Experiments

Following the Italian trend of the last Crazy-Language release, another gem all the way from Italy under the name Monoiz. Retaining a clear Raster Noton influence on his first incursion through the realms of digital free albums, Multiplied Phoneme doesn’t just provide the clickies and the static. The surprise comes from when haunting pads wash the noise away, giving room for some heart on the desolate and mechanical pulses, capable of melting the coldest of ices. Also present on a couple of tunes, are some rather satisfying dub soundscapes, lifting your body from wherever you are, to just move and feel it on a whole different level. A consistent but varied ride from start to finish and a welcome addition to the already varied sound palette of Crazy-Language. (F.G.)

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