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Playtime: 46:40 - 320kb/s - 87.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/03/09 19:30h



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Release Notes

VAD is Mixgalaxy old-timer, he contributed to numerous compilations of our label and now we proudly present you his solo album. It’s a mix of Russian folk singing with New Age music. Charming scent of traditions combined with rich electronic timbres gives birth to some nostalgic melancholy and rememberance of music one might have heard long long time ago, yet it manages to stay topical and fresh. It doesn’t matter if you were not born in Russia and haven’t absorbed that calm old-fashioned unity with nature that is streaming in the veins of Russian outlying districts – this music is going to share all this with you as a well written book. VAD’s huge composer experience enables him to communicate with the listener on this vivid language freely like he was telling you about his motherland with heart-warming expression, contagious interest and dozens of lively details. You might not want to miss such an involving tale so make sure you give it a listen and share it with your friends.

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