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ElegantElephant : The Beachtown Years Volume Two

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Playtime: 21:06 - 320kb/s - 39.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/11/21 01:48h



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Release Notes

There was a boy who didn't know how to read music scores. He wanted to compose and write songs. When the spirit of DIY hit him deeply, he unleashed himself from the fear of singing and started to believe in his voice. He was still naïve and so young but he urged to express himself using poetry and music. He wrote songs enough to make an album but the machine he loved had a problem and he lost a lot of work. Time passed and the boy is now ready for everybody to listen to the words of what happened during those years he lived in BeachTown.

all tracks written and produced by Cairo Braga in Mongaguá, 2005-2007
[except: 5. written by Cairo Braga, Larissa Macoris Cecílio, Heidy Werthmüller, Mateus Oazem, Juliana Bento Porto]
photography by Heidy Werthmüller in Mongaguá, 2012
mastering and artwork by Cairo Braga in São Paulo, 2012
“the elegant elephant” mascott by Pedro Vianna in São Paulo, 2011.

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