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Playtime: 30:39 - 320kb/s - 57.47 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/11/20 19:21h



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Release Notes

the first maxi-single from Brazilian artist Cairo Braga is led by a song that he wrote when he was 16 and talks about the transition to adult life and the importance of friendship and creativity during that process.

photography by Heidy Werthmüller in Mongaguá, 2012.
track 1 produced in Mongaguá, São Carlos, Itapecerica da Serra and São Paulo, 2007-2013;
track 2 produced in Mongaguá and São Paulo, 2006-2013;
track 3 produced in Mongaguá, 2007;
track 4: remix produced by J4ck Sh4rk in São Paulo;
track 5: remix produced by Reynaldo Klawa in Bragança Paulista;
track 6: remix produced by Felipe Wanzeler in Belém do Pará;
all remixes produced in 2013.
all tracks written by Cairo Braga; except track 3 written by Adriano Cintra & Lovefoxxx.
mastering and artwork by Cairo Braga in São Paulo, 2013.

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