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ElegantElephant : The Beachtown Years Volume One

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Playtime: 21:20 - 320kb/s - 40.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/11/21 03:25h



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Release Notes

There was a boy who didn't play any instrument. He always wanted to make music. When the possibility came real with the computer as a tool, he started a journey through sound, sensations and meaning. He was still afraid to sing so he expressed himself without words. He wanted to make an album but he discovered that tools break sometimes and he lost a lot of work. Time passed and the boy now wants everybody to listen to the sounds of what happened during those years he lived in BeachTown.

all tracks written and produced by Cairo Braga in Mongaguá, 2005-2007
photography by Heidy Werthmüller in Mongaguá, 2012
mastering and artwork by Cairo Braga in São Paulo, 2012
"the elegant elephant" mascott by Pedro Vianna in São Paulo, 2011.

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