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rawmatroid : Rawmatroid Buffet Service

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Playtime: 01:13:58 - 320kb/s - 138.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/12/25 20:25h



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Release Notes

3 years ago Rawmatroid was born, as a free and independent project, that connects the culture of a group of artists bounded by the music industry with the rest of the world. During this time we have published 12 references in Rawmatroid Club and 3 in Class thanks to the collective work of many people. In Rawmatroid Netlabel we are proud to continue our philosophy and to have the cooperation of producers, designers, webs, visual artists and, of course, all of you that in one way or another support this project: once again, thank you!!

To celebrate our third anniversary, we decided to go a step further and connect artists with each other. We asked all producers that had worked with us in this 3 years to make a list with their favorites tracks from all the references that we had release and we propouse to their authors to make a sample pack with the “ingredients” they had use to produce their tracks. We got in touch again with all of our artists who wanted to colaborate and asked them to chose the songs he wanted and “cooked” his way. A challenge for expression and creativity to join through sound different ways of thinking.

Today we are proud to see materialized in this compilation the enthusiasm and passion that all of us who form Rawmatroid feel for the music. Rawmatroid Buffet Service is a gift from some artists to other artists, but everyone can enjoy for free, as always. Bon Appetit

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