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rawmatroid : Oplus2

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Playtime: 01:14:52 - 320kb/s - 140.38 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/07/03 20:03h



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Release Notes

It´s a perfect album for relax and think about the life. Dan Hiroshi signs this great work full of extreme sensitivity, dreamlike passages and deep beauty. Oplus2 is one of those albums to listen carefully from beginning to end, enjoying every one of the sonorous passages in which is divided and forget within minutes of styles or patterns to dig deep, almost without noticing, in the history that Dan Hiroshi tells. The tracks are intertwined like chapters of a novel, walking among sea sounds, notes of piano, orchestral instruments, reverbs and arpeggiated synths really evocative. Happiness and sadness are mixed in compositions which rise from the intimate and quiet, until you get to meet explosion melodic moments. 13 tracks for Oplus2, the album that serves for 1st reference of Rawmatroid Class.

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