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Manifest Northwest Recordings : Putting The Freak In Frequency EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 28:12 - 320kb/s - 52.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/06/21 01:26h



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Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

Hot damn have we got a good for you this time!! The main event himself opens up this killer release with a funky-ass number that will have you shuffling your feet while the bass melts your freaking mind. Up next, give a hearty welcome to Simex as he makes his Manifest Northwest debut with a slammin' banger. This is one hard piece of music, but the dubby elements keep it grounded and it will no doubt rock the kids heads for that ultimate peak time experience. Joe Nemo brings us back for another funky piece to the puzzle, showing once again his ability to deliver. Be sure to check out his previous release with us (MNW004), and be on the lookout for his upcoming remix of DJ Kala's 'Baghdad Battery' on SubSensory Recordings. Bringing us home and in fine style is a HUGE acid track from ISIGTUTEOT founder DiLATiON. Not too agressive but in your face nonetheless, be prepared for the ultimate brain-bending trip through melody and squelch. To sum this up, if you can't find something you like here, let me know as I know a good ear doctor. ;)

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