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Manifest Northwest Recordings : Contamination Response

Catalog number
Playtime: 30:07 - 320kb/s - 56.47 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/02/28 23:00h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

Another genre-defying effort from sea.envy starts off this battle of the beats, coming at you dark and hard. This one is just begging for a response. Psy-tech ninja Deformaty answers that call, bringing an equally dark tune to the table. With a large portion of acid squelch and a kick thumping away like a heartbeat on overdrive, all layered upon a bed of tribal percussion, the infection is contained, but not without further damage. In a metphorical creation of something from nothing, UK trance guru John Dalling spins a melodic twist on the original biological threat. Feeling the breath of new life, the virus continues to spread, but all is not lost as Chris Firenze steps in to end it all for certain. Wielding his mighty minimal techno weaponry, the threat is contained. It is safe to say, that in this battle there are no losers - and the true winner is you. Thanks for listening and please enjoy responsibly!

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