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Manifest Northwest Recordings : Hide And Seek (Fixed)

Catalog number
Playtime: 13:27 - 320kb/s - 25.22 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/02/06 22:47h



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Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

Mr. Nemo has been a long time personal favorite, and we couldn't be more excited to bring him into the fold. This funky minimal stomper of an EP is filled to the brim with block rockin' beats that are guaranteed to shuffle up those feet. Relentless and in the best way possible, Ready Or Not delivers it pounding like it should be, and as always with that Nemo signiature blend of funk and function! Here I Come builds like a storm, at once dark and brooding yet with an airy, uplifting feeling throughout. Give it a listen and you'll see what I mean! Both tracks come correct and are GUARANTEED to fill the floor - or your money back!

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