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Gondowanland School of Subcutaneous Noise Infraction : Darnce Darnce Darnce!! Up to the Minute Hits!!!

Catalog number
Playtime: 5:29 - 320kb/s - 10.28 MB
Date published
2011/06/19 22:31h



electronicanoiseexperimentaldigitalelectronicbreaksavant-gardeimprovisedacousticanaloguefield recordingfunepicsynthpoetrysurrealismbeatssound artartnoise-hopfruityscotlandscottishsillynonsensepost-surrealismabstractionismpurple ottersnochiefsbiscuitsthe moonbarnaclesquangomade by machine for mandigitaliswah wahcooliono thankshonktronicahotchasequencedsyntheziserfartdumb 'n' bass Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

BEhold!!! The ongoing work of Gondowanland to build forthwith into a humble approximation of some album....Who knows?..Maybe or indeed maybe not...only time will possibly tell

the barnacles

Oh my the nefarious barnacles,
hopped up on the apple-est of pies,
conceive of a notion so devious,
to pluck the moon from out your eye.
Run whilst you still have a chance my dear,
for soon they shall arrive,
riding upon their tiny tricycles,
demanding to skip the line.
Beware those little barnacles,
with their faces so shiny and bright,
they'll cut you soon as say hello,
a right bunch of little shites.

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