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Underpolen : At Dusk I Painted Your Lips EP

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Playtime: 15:02 - 320kb/s - 28.19 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/03/12 13:22h



noiseexperimentalrockavant-gardeno wavestochasticaccidental Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Just like the last one, this Deftechnixks album was recorded based on Deaf Techniques,
this time techniques DT01 (recorded without hearing the recorded track and without looking at the instrument) and to a larger extent DT11 (recorded without hearing the recorded track). This resulted in 12 songs, which, after a long consideration, were reduced to a six-track EP in order to not torture the listener too much. The lyrics were again written based on a stream of consciousness; the title and the look ofthe cover were selected out of all lyrics by a random number generator, as well as track order. The placement of cover elements were selected by another random generator, a two-year old.

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