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Little Rascal Records : where weve come from EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 16:49 - 177kb/s - 17.66 MB
Date published
2013/03/10 14:08h



glitchelectronicdubdubwisespiralsoundsystem Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Spiral Soundsystem third EP release on his own label Little Rascal Records brings forward thinking dubwise electronic music productions. Each track showcases a special message for all listeners to ponder and be engaged in.

Track one is a remix version of an older unreleased spiral soundsystem track, TV Beats. The remix also uses samples from an even older track taken from debut LP 'Welcome To The Spiral Soundsystem', 2002. The track prompts the listener to be 'progressive to the future' with an open mind.
Track two samples permaculture pioneer, Bill Mollisson from the CD, Funding the Revolution recorded in Perth, WA in 1985 by Jeff Nugent. Bill is talking about Information Technology, spades and economic strategies for change and the urgent need to act. Sit back and listen, but don't sit for long, You are needed in the revolution! For more Bill Mollisson audio and permaculture info, go to:
Track three is a previously unreleased track made with LOVE and a touch of the intoxicating and muddy drink Kava. Produced in Cairns, Far North Queensland. "The message is in the music".

LRRecords can also make quality, exclusive, custom and personalised cassette tapes of the EP for a special price. Please contact me personally for hard-copy EP on cassette.

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