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Zimmer-Records : psycoded - pepper pot

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Playtime: 18:30 - 320kb/s - 34.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/08/24 19:10h



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Release Notes

Pepperpot is an Amerindian-derived dish popular in Guyana. It is traditionally served at Christmas and other special events. Along with curried chicken, and cook up rice, pepperpot is one of Guyana's national dish.

Pepperpot is a stewed meat dish, strongly flavoured with cinnamon, cassareep (a special sauce made from the cassava root) and other basic ingredients, including Caribbean hot peppers. Beef, pork, and mutton are the most popular meats used, though some have been known to use chicken. Pepperpot is popularly served with a dense Guyanese-style homemade or home-style bread, though like most food it can be eaten however one chooses, be it rice, or roti, though it is not the popular norm.

This dish is usually reserved for special occasions because it needs to cook for several hours, and mostly eaten on Christmas Day (like turkey in North America), or during the Christmas holiday season. Like the original Amerindian version it is usually made in a large pot and can be reheated and eaten over several days because the Cassareep starts preserving the meat.[citation needed] Versions of the dish are also served in several other countries in the Caribbean, including Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent.

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