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audiotalaia netlabel : liquid air guitar

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:04:59 - 186kb/s - 70.99 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/17 11:54h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

The first relesae of the year. A session where Heezen (aka Raül Fuentes) shows his hability to mix different styles and soundscapes to develop a really personal aproach to his own conception of experimentation. Heezen keeps an eye on his acoustic intruments background, an important thing to take in consideration while we listen his work.


01 - Oikos 02- Hellospiral 03 - Braille 04 - Nole Plastique 05 - Vitor Joaquim 06 - Marihiko Nara 07 - Tsukimono 08 - Portabot 09 - Mark Templeton 10 - Karl-Johan Nilsson 11 - Nicolas Bernier & Simon Trottier 12 - Xn. 13 - Ryonkt 14 – 1000 hours of staring


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