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Ionium : Whiteout

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Catalog number
Playtime: 02:48:10 - 320kb/s - 315.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/01/30 15:35h



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Release Notes

For fans of LPF12 the new year begins with a musical trip into the antarctic continent. With his new double-album WHITEOUT, german electronic musician Sascha Lemon shows us the bare isolation of this place, the danger within, but also it's almost surreal beauty. WHITEOUT is a fictional soundtrack for three research stations (Aboa, Byrd, Great Wall) and the specific weather condition, where heaven and earth become blurred, giving the album it's title.

Over a length of 166 minutes atmospheric soundscapes, noise elements, ethnic voices and catchy melodies melt into a musical landscape between icy quietness and captivating complexity. Ambient meets Industrial, assimilating with lush Drone-sections. The boundaries of musical genres become blurred. LPF12 celebrates his very own Whiteout and gives us a lengthy, entertaining inner journey.

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