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Neurotrance Records : Waves of Sound

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:14:00 - 320kb/s - 138.75 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/09/04 17:56h



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Release Notes

Waves of Sound is an emotional and positive journey trough different sounds and vibrations creating a unique psychedelic sound. All tunes are previously unreleased and freshly squeezed and gathered for this compilation.

Put yourself into a trance relaxing state trough music, let yourself dive into an ocean of sounds, and find your inner cosmic balance.

Technical Information:

Artist: Various
Title: Waves of Sound
Label: Neurotrance Records
Id Number: NEURO030
Compiled by: Erofex
Mastered by: Wizax
Artwork by: Apacible Psykodelico
Genre: Psychedelic Trance
Format: MP3 - WAV - FLAC
Lenght: 1:13:57
Release Date: August 31st, 2012


01 - Fuzzonaut - Astral Travelers (143 BPM)
02 - Silly Twit - Dark Dork (145 BPM)
03 - Uranus Titania - Sat Ura Neptun (148 BPM)
04 - Raja - Voices of the Amazon (145 BPM)
05 - Wizax - Morning Space (133 BPM)
06 - Distortion Trip - Psycodelic Shop (140 BPM)
07 - Axid vs. XSlash vs. Gitelss - Hey (145 BPM)
08 - Erofex - Psy Invader (144 BPM)
09 - Defib - Boingonium (140 BPM)
10 - Wizax - In the Rain (134 BPM)

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