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Neurotrance Records : VA - Intraterrestres

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:17:41 - 320kb/s - 145.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/01/11 15:48h



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Release Notes

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Intraterrestres
Label: Neurotrance Records
Id Number: KSR003
Compiled by: Manifest
Mastered by: Pako Nolasco (Tracks: 1,2,5,6,7,8,9) Erofex (Tracks: 3,4,10)
Artwork by: B0wz3r
Genre: Psychedelic Trance
Format: MP3 - WAV - FLAC
Lenght: 1:17:36
Release Date: January 11th, 2012


01. Robby and Mobo - Avenida de la Paz (145 BPM)
02. Aqualy - Lava Strum (145 BPM)
03. Psynthax - Constant State (145 BPM)
04. Erofex - Get up (148 BPM)
05. Spectral Audio - The Jitzu (146 BPM)
06. Manifest and Yera-tech – LSD (150 BPM)
07. Yera-tech - Alien Intelligence (149 BPM)
08. Manifest – Resistencia (153 BPM)
09. Redy - LSD Star (152 BPM)
10. Psy Horror Noize - Khali Meditation (156 BPM)

Release Information:

Kesuene Records is back again with another fantastic Psychedelic Trance compilation. Gathering artists from Mexico, Bolivia, Serbia, Germany and Croatia. New sounds and fresh styles have been presented in this compilation called Intraterrestres, a trip inside the earth. It’s a strong doze of Morning Full On, some of Night sounds and Dark vibes mixed in this exclusive free digital release. Ten new tracks are present in this new compilation that include different styles with a high quality of sound. Enjoy this new release and don’t forget to support the artists.

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