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zymogen : Tisza meets Dunav

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Playtime: 39:40 - 320kb/s - 74.38 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/24 15:48h



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Release Notes

Tisza meets Dunav is the new album by Sasa Vojvodic, also known as Letna, a producer based in Paris and born in Serbia, ex Yugoslavia.With Alexandre Navarro he coordinates Sem label and the brand new Iod netlabel, the union between Eko and Standardklik.Letna already collaborated with Zymogen in the Sky Diary Edits project and we're very happy to start 2008 with his brand new album.Tisza meets Dunav is a concept work inspired by Sasa's native country, Serbia. Every song is dedicated to a specific place in the area of the Tisza, which falls into Dunav, the Danube, one of the biggest rivers in Eastern Europe.Nature elements inspired most of the album: Deliblatska Pescara is the largest sandy terrain in Europe once part of a vast prehistoric desert, Fruska Gora is a beautiful mountain, while Ledinci and Jezera are two lakes located in Serbia. The musical narrative of this album develops slowly through different sound layers: pure and delicate melodies, distant voices, guitar notes, drones, microtonal sound-waves and field recordings.The evocative power of Letna's music reaches high levels exemplified by the intense momentum of 'White City', a song dedicated to Belgrade.The emotive atmosphere of songs like 'Deliblatska Pescara' and 'Crossing the Bridge (Novisad)' is present throughout the album. Field recordings feature in every song which guide the listener into a continuum of perfectly designed soundscapes.Tisza meets Dunav is a progession of Letna's musical research which helps us understand his poetry and the deep meanings hidden behind his abstract creations.

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