Playtime: 32:35 - 320kb/s - 61.09 MB Date published 2014/03/27 17:34h
The Red Star Martyrs return with the 2nd EP on Dubophonic. This time the UK musician and producer Stanley Wood unleashes the herbal energy of tea, brewing some special blends, mixing the finest musical flavours of Europe, Jamaica, Orient and Occident in a tasty and relaxing chill out drink. Alongside with him, many artists from the Dubophonic netlabel family. Ibel, The Dubbstyle, Mr Mefistou and Koncrete Roots prepared their own special recipes and are ready to serve their exclusive versions of Stanley’s riddim. So, sip your cup and let the journey begin.
The EP starts with the taste of mint in our mouth, as the oriental vibes flow inna mystical way in the atmosphere. The river of tranquillity passes right in front of us, as we embark in a journey, that sets our mind and soul in a perfect balance. The magical voice of Ibel guides us ina Rub-a-dub journey of irieness, as he prepares his special Jamaican blend of tea, served in two different mixes.
The sounds of the far east travel to Argentina where mint receives a special treatment by the Dubbstyle, being mixed with the yerba mate leaves, only to be transformed into a antioxidant and cholesterol-lowering beverage, cleansing the body from all Babylon diseases. The logical outcome is the cleansing also of the mind and Mr Mefistou uses his double ethnical background and adds for the next recipe a touch of flamenco style guitar mixed with a New York influenced sound.
Finally our herbal beverage returns back to the country it started its journey, only to be chilled in the fridge and to be served with ice by the Koncrete Roots inna special dubplate style. Once we are cleansed, in body and in spirit, we can enjoy the last cup of tea served exactly at five o’clock by Stanley Wood himself. Give thanks for that wonderful journey!
Simona by-nc-nd |
Various Artists |
on Dub-o-phonic |
7 Tracks, 2 Artists 1'051 Downloads [i] |
2015/06/10 |
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