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Ionium : The Squad

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:12:36 - 320kb/s - 136.12 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/03/09 07:37h



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Release Notes

Technology of Silence is a story about a post-nuclear city, a story about the people living in this city, a story about an ecological catastrophe, human madness, human fears and the eternal search for a goal in the loneliness. Technology of Silence is also a Russian Ambient/Industrial/Experimental-project, existing since 2004. Founder of this project is Denis Romanov, who unites the incompatible opposites silence and music and makes it a whole, while taking a focus on the world that surrounds us and the events that take place in it, watching it from different points of view. It is a mixture of Ambient, Industrial, IDM and Minimal, although the band isn’t concentrating on a particular style. Environmental problems and man-made disasters are the basic themes, which draw a red line through the back-catalogue of Technology of Silence. The centre of attention in the stories of the band is a post-nuclear city, described as ruins of a high-tech-civilization, corrupted by mankind, and a place full of human recollections, emotions and feelings. The fourth album by now is called “The Squad” and was released by the netlabel Enough Records. It will also be released by Ionium Records on 15.02.2011 as free download under a Creative Commons License.

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