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restingbell : The Possibility Of Joy

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Catalog number
Playtime: 21:13 - 320kb/s - 39.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/09/10 11:58h



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Release Notes

Ennio Mazzon is an Italian sound artist. I first heard of him as a remixer of Off Land's "Input Shape". But he did netaudio-releases on Audiotalaia and Timetheory and a CDr-release on his own imprint "Ripples Recordings", as well as various sampler-contributions."The Possibility Of Joy" contains 4 tracks with a complete duration of about 22 minutes. Most of the material seems to be generated with synthesizers and electronical equipment with a little addition of field recordings in some parts. The sound is based between athmospherical, clean sounds and noisy, distorted parts, opening up a wide range of listening-impressions. Creating noise on one hand but also beatiful emerging melodies within these loud and massive soundwalls.To speak with Ennio's words: "I want to transform the natural silence." So close your eyes and drift through all the different layers of granulations, distortions and glitches.

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