Playtime: 44:53 - 320kb/s - 84.16 MB Date published 2018/09/19 15:43h
This right here is not an album. This right here is not an EP.
This right here is a gift.
The best gift that a musician can receive.
The gift of inspiration.
A gift so overwhelming that needs to be given back in some kind of shape or form.
A gift of life, of love, turned into music.
Eight moments to lull you to sleep, to drive you home safe and sound, to hold you and warm you.
Lullabies are meant to make you close your eyes and numb your body, waiting for sleep to come and take away your weariness.
Lullabies are blankets, tales, emotions, caves, rays of light, windows, reassurances, and calm sands.
No rhythms whatsoever here, just flowing guitars, and sounds. To make you feel like a newborn child in the warmest embrace you can imagine, surrounded by the gentle sound of a grandfather playing you to sleep.
Sleep well child, sleep well you who listen, ‘cause someone is looking after you and he is eager to take the greatest gift of all and give it back to you.
To all of you.
- Luca Sproviero
The Path by-nc-sa |
Various Artists |
on Breathe |
35 Tracks, 32 Artists 6'755 Downloads [i] |
2017/01/20 |
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