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fish recordings : TRY AND ERROR - SPEAKER BLOW

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 5:52 - 320kb/s - 11.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/11/14 20:42h



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Release Notes

try and error are back on fish recordings:this time fish recordings brings to you a real (!) tune by try and error(for those of you who dont know what is meant check out FISH003). and itis their first solo release. while producing this track the guys managedto fuck up their monitors, so they figured out that "speaker blow" wouldbe the perfect name for this track. the funny thing is, that they didnot destroy their speakers while they were making music. they had alittle argument while watching a soccer match together on tv andstarted "fun fighting". then one punched the other so "hard" (unintendedbut drunk lol) that he fell into the equipment and crushed the monitors.pretty stupid guys anyways, but they are still young. so you can forgivethem...and dont be afraid: this final version of the track will notdestroy your speakers or headphones.

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