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restingbell : Sun Chariot

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Playtime: 16:18 - 192kb/s - 18.34 MB
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Release Notes

You might remember Gardens From Light from their massive Resting Bell-double-feature "Birds Of Joy And Sorrow", released in October 2007. This time Steven and Ian offer a single 16-minute track entitled "Sun Chariot".It's a very dense and deep track, and compared to "Birds Of Joy And Sorrow" it's more athmospheric and more complex. There is a continous drone throught this piece, layered with percussive elements, sublime field-recordings, haunted vocals, little keyboard sketches and higher oscillating tones. It is a beautiful movement of structures.And when the piece is over, from the eeriest of nights to the filtered lens of wateriest sunrises, you wonder how it can only be so short.

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