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Acustronica : Skymotion

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Playtime: 13:31 - 192kb/s - 15.21 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/08 21:20h

Custom license, please check on labels website.


experimentalambientelectronicjazzavantgarde Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

selected as one of "The Best Albums of 2009" by Leonard's Lair

selected as one of "The Best Instrumental Albums of 2009" by Hold the Throne

Hldrrr "Today's free MP3" on 16/10/2009 on All about jazz

"Jazz, ambient and electronica just made a baby, and it’s pretty good!"Subba-cultcha

"Skymotion is a delightfully atmospheric record which combines jazz, post-rock and electronic music into something wonderfully warm and intelligent. An album which contains style and substance in equal measure."Leonard's Lair

"Smooth and thought provoking, the album has a certain curiosity to it making you feel like a little child exploring the depths of what your ears can hear. I would definitely recommend this album for anyone with an adventurous spirit when it comes to music. I have been listening to it on repeat while writing this review and swear that it has helped my productivity. I feel more artistic after every minute listening."Life ink

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