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Internet-Recordings : SOUNDS FROM THE LAB EP [018]

Catalog number
Playtime: 23:05 - 288kb/s - 39.07 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/03/27 18:29h



darkoldschooldeeptechstepmelodic2-stepskullstepgermanyliquiddrum & bassacid labbrokenphotekstepperbouncehappy pianokodamametallo snarerave horns Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Since www011 in 2011, Acid_Lab aka Kodama aka Parametric has not at all slowed down with several more EPs and features on Dysfunk Music, Machinist Music, Break-Fast-Audio, Absys, Digitalgewitter, Turbine Music, Syncopathic, Delta9, LW Recordings and most recently Secrets Of The Sun. Despite the growing musical variety of his output under his three monikers on over 20 labels, this particular EP here originally started out to continue the fun tradition of Acid_Lab's bi-annual Internet releases consisting only of distorted skulls and oldschool Photek style Techstep. But, being the third of its kind, it grew a third tune and then attracted a fourth one (actually his first ever tune sent out to labels, six years ago, finally available publically in its only remaining version), as if to end this subtle cycle of musical fixation, just as Acid_Lab keeps experimenting with sounds and styles. For example, His album scheduled for T3K is a journey through the minimal and halftime Drum & Bass sound. Acid_Lab is also signed to Trace' new label 117 and continues his musical journey with many more tunes forthcoming on Machinist Music, Delta 9, Tech Cycle, Order In Kaos, Eastern Promise Audio, Danger Chamber, Digibeat Music, Interactive, Urban Poetry, Dust Audio and Omni Music among other, more "secret" labels.

Acid_Lab links: Soundcloud, Discogs

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