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Internet-Recordings : Quadrant Delta and Fear Of The Dark [www011]

Catalog number
Playtime: 11:31 - 320kb/s - 21.59 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/03/15 03:20h



darkoldschooltechstepgermanydrum & bassacid labbrokenswitchbeatreece Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Since www002 in 2009, Acid_Lab aka Kodama aka Parametric has scored label debuts and/or second appearances on Cause 4 Concern, Santorin, Mindtech, Digitalgewitter, Golden Age, Variant Audio, Amen Brothers, Urban Poetry, Fish Recordings (r.i.p.), Break-Fast Audio, Basswerk Files and T-FREE (r.i.p.), was subject to a great moment in DOA history and finally made his vinyl debut on Alphacut Records, likely the craziest, most obscure and creative Drum & Bass related vinyl label around. And his signature oldschool sound is continuing to spread - watch out for further releases on some of the labels above and on a certain new imprint to pop up soon...

Acid_Lab links: Soundcloud, Myspace, Discogs

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