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MixgalaxyRecords : Reflection

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Catalog number
Playtime: 58:04 - 320kb/s - 108.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/04/19 10:00h



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Release Notes

PiXtar is back with his fourth album. That's right. Describing sound in multimedia era is kinda tedios and absolutely useless work. But we need to write something about it, don't we? Our regular followers could notice that PiXtar's tracks have a complicated multilayered structure with many little details all over the room and on the other hand there are pretty rhytmic commonly acceptable grooves. This album has rather 'mainstream' than 'underground' flavour. The sound is cool and solid as usual, less IDM more electro and breakbeat with a slight reminiscence of retro electronica. After all since the myth about always young and always progressive electronic music had busted we are sentenced to retro. This album description is over. It's time to listen to the MUSIC.

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