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Upitup Records : Olivetti Prodest

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Catalog number
Playtime: 33:48 - 320kb/s - 63.38 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/01/31 22:33h



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Release Notes

We are proud to present "Olivetti Prodest". Pierlo's third album is a fine cross section of his ingenious signature styles. Say hi to the funky disco clavinerd, the fat-headed sweaty 4 to the floor club hits, the dreamy synth patterns, the futuristic nostalgia breaks"The title is an hommage to the prematurely disappeared italian PC manufacturer," says Pierlo. "The Olivetti Prodest PC128s was my first personal computer. It was my brother's actually.  But we used to play Basic games on it together, around 1988. My favorites were U-Boot, Barbarian and Xor. Also Trappola Per Tori was dope, even though nobody could survive Livello 1. Xor gave me nightmares actually, those strange symbols were kinda disturbing."

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