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zymogen : Novctzember

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Catalog number
Playtime: 31:09 - 192kb/s - 35.04 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/24 15:20h



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Release Notes

With this release we're very glad to introduce Ibakusha and his music. During these years Manuel has developed an articulate style of composition through many different types of inspiration, but the most significant influence is, without any doubt, the sound of labels like Merck, Skam or n5MD...somebody calls it idm, but this genre is definitely too tight for Ibakusha's music. He finally collects these six tracks into "Novctzember", his debut, an album full of inspired songs, warm melodies, deep pads and nice beats, plus some "disturbing" elements. Those "disturbing" elements give his music something really special, something you don't expect; the lofi guitar riff in "Taxifolia", the intense cello during "Fripées" or the exploding rhythm on "Asperité", all essential components of the entire ep. Novctzember will bring you through an intense listening of very distant music atmospheres, from the gentle harshness of "Asperité" to the dilated "46.67", the emotional intensity of "Fripées" designed by the cello and "Taxifolia" assembled with a freaky guitar and an ultra compressed beat that will make your subs tremble. Unique! The last two tracks are the resume of the entire disc "Souffle Buée" has an old school idmish strucure floating over ambient pads, and "Chlorophylle Rouge", one of the best songs of the ep, takes you to a gentle end. Manuel manages perfectly the intensity of his music with particular structures where the song acme hangs on for a moment and then is released, creating a sort of perpetual climax.

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