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crazy language : Neutro Bionic

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Playtime: 30:42 - 320kb/s - 57.56 MB
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Release Notes

Spherical Journey

Toni Polkowski and Danny Prusseit founded in 2001 the project Atmogat. Now in the beginning of 2009 there going to surprise us with an EP which sounds surprisingly emanzipated.

It's a five tracker EP, and with a runtime from 30 minutes a work by its own Saluta, the first track is a shuffled moody track, which inaugurates us into the soundcosmos of Atmogat. Springtime, the second track works with a vocal piece. The track get thus a techy attitude, which fits absolutely in to the concept of the EP. Neutron Bionic comes along with a repetitive warp and a haunting spherical sound in the background. It's the most powerful track on the EP and should be heard for sure. Esguman and Bianconic, the last both tracks are quite good and are fitting into the EP perfectly as well. In its own, the Neutro Bionic EP is a solid piece of work where you can hear the leitmotif on every track. If you take the journey you donât have to buckle up because itâs a slow ride but interesting anyway. Good Work! [Cornelis Clement]

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