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phonocake : Ner Begot Kish

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Catalog number
Playtime: 29:43 - 320kb/s - 55.72 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/05/12 00:05h



electronicafunmp3albumflactechdubbyplayfuleurope2012mixedamsterdamsmth Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

A sunny day in Mokum Aleph.

It's time to lay around in our loved Vondelpark, around the Blauwe Theehuis, watching the stars while sharing the double split headphone adapter to listen to Spyckers life enjoying electronica experiments. Don't be afraid of a fresh mixed up everything music, which is hard to categorize, but makes fun to listen to or also to just let it go in a summerly background. The artist calls it like ‘old school stammer hop’, ‘tight-ass folk trash’ or ‘twisted trip noise’ : ) Welcome to our mixed up multifacetted future.

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